SLICE presented at WCPEC-8 in Milan

On September, 26th and 27th 2022 the research conducted in the frame of SLICE was presented by Audrey Morisset through two oral presentations at the 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (WCPEC-8) in Milan, Italy.

The WCPEC is the world’s biggest platform for PV research and development since it combines every four years the three largest international PV conferences (EU PVSEC, IEEE PVSC and PVSEC).

The WCPEC-8 scientific program was composed of five symposia including almost 900 technical presentations in total, providing in-depth insights into the latest research in the PV solar energy sector. The research of SLICE was presented within the Symposium 1: “Silicon Materials and Cells”.


New peer-reviewed article in IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics


SLICE presented on 2SER-FM Australia radio